Deed of inventory


Attorneys at Law Amos assists in preparing death estate inventories. The use of a lawyer in the death estate inventory is recommended, as a carefully prepared death estate inventory can prevent unwanted tax consequences and problems in the later distribution of the estate. The death estate inventory must be made within 3 months of the death. The estate inventory fee is payable from the assets of the estate.

We charge €240 per hour (incl. VAT) for deed of inventory drafting.

the price of the estate inventory includes the following actions:

  • Initial consultation
  • Ordering genealogy research and other documents
  • Preparing the death estate inventory document i.e. deed of inventory
  • Official invitations to the estate inventory
  • Estate inventory event at our office or via video conference
  • Discussion with you regarding inheritance taxes
  • Acting as a trusted representative in the estate inventory
  • Submitting the estate inventory to the Tax Administration
  • Further instructions for the estate


“My grandmother’s estate inventory was completed quickly. The division of tasks was such that I collected the baptismal certificates myself, and Lakiasiaintoimisto Amos handled the estate inventory. The future inheritance taxes at Amos were calculated in advance, and at the same time, registrations for the inherited real estate were obtained.”

Tuomo, 48 years


In the death estate inventory, an estate inventory document is prepared.

The estate inventory document prepared in the estate inventory is a list of the estate’s co-heirs as well as the assets and liabilities of the deceased and the surviving spouse as they were on the date of death.

The estate inventory includes all the information necessary for inheritance taxation and subsequent estate distribution, such as information about the will.


Death estate inventory and inheritance taxation

Inheritance taxation is based on the information in the deed of inventory.

The estate inventory is also the deceased’s final tax return and the basis for the future inheritance taxation and estate distribution of the family.


Co-heirs of the estate

Co-heirs of the estate include the heirs, general legal beneficiaries, and the surviving spouse under the marital property rights.


Death estate inventory and required documents

The circle of heirs is determined through genealogy research. Genealogy research often consists of numerous individual baptismal certificates provided by parishes and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Compiling genealogy research can be laborious and is often entrusted to the expert handling the estate inventory. Due to delays in the delivery of official certificates, compiling the genealogy is the most time-consuming phase of the registration process.

In addition to the genealogy, for the registration of the deed of inventory, a statement of assets, debts and other matters relevant to the deed is required. The property to be included in the estate inventory is to be valued at the fair market value as of the date of death.

Estate inventory attachments:

  • Baptismal certificates
  • Genealogy research
  • Property management certificate and title of deed
  • List of assets
  • List of liabilities
  • Information about the will


Extending the deadline

In extensive estates, the 3-month deadline for the estate inventory may prove to be too short. Sometimes, obtaining genealogy research and information about the assets can take several months. The Tax Administration can extend the deadline for the estate inventory upon request. A justified request must be submitted before the 3-month deadline expires.


Invitation to the estate inventory meeting

Invitations to the estate inventory meeting must be sent well in advance to all co-heirs of the estate, the surviving spouse, and potential secondary heirs. The Tax Administration can extend the deadline for the estate inventory upon request. A justified request must be submitted before the 3-month deadline expires.


Death estate inventory and trusted representatives

The obligation to conduct the death estate inventory primarily falls on the co-heir who is responsible for managing the estate’s assets. This person can be the surviving spouse, child, or other relative. They are appointed as the notifier of the estate. Individuals conducting the estate inventory are appointed as trusted representatives. When the estate inventory is conducted at our office, our representatives act as trusted representatives, and, if necessary, we can help arrange expert appraisals of the fair market value of the estate’s assets.

Based on the information provided by the declarant of the estate, the trusted representative’s task is to enter and evaluate the assets of the estate in the register according to their best understanding. When the deed is delivered in our office, the representatives of our office act as trusted representatives and, if necessary, we help organize expert assessments of the fair value of the estate’s assets.


Estate inventory and indebted deceased

If the deceased had outstanding debts, conducting the estate inventory is particularly important to avoid personal liability for the co-heirs.


Death estate inventory and Attorneys at law Amos

The use of a lawyer in the death estate inventory is recommended, as a carefully prepared death estate inventory can prevent unwanted tax consequences and problems in the later distribution of the estate. You can review our price list hereor request a quote for the estate inventory by calling us at + 358 10 299 5090.

“My grandmother’s estate inventory was completed quickly. The division of tasks was such that I collected the baptismal certificates myself, and Lakiasiaintoimisto Amos handled the estate inventory. The future inheritance taxes at Amos were calculated in advance, and at the same time, registrations for the inherited real estate were obtained.”

Tuomo, 48 years