Division of marital property
If spouses have not made a marital property agreement, the division of property, called “ositus,” must be carried out upon the termination of marriage, either due to divorce or death.
Effects of division of property
During the division of property, the assets and debts subject to the spouses’ marital property rights are identified, and a division of property calculation is prepared to determine the equalization payment obligation and its amount. In connection with the division of property, it is also important to consider other financial matters between spouses, such as joint debts and mutual claims. It is possible for spouses to reach an agreement regarding the division of property.
Division of property and estate distribution
If no agreement is reached, either spouse can request the appointment of an estate distributor to carry out the division of property. The division of property can be initiated at any time after the filing of a divorce.

Tuula Rainto, [email protected], 045 111 5577
No statute of limitations for division of property
There is no time limit for conducting the division of property because the right to demand division of property does not generally expire. It is advisable to carry out the division of property fairly soon after the end of the marriage to prevent the issue from arising many years later, for example, during the death estate inventory and distribution process of one of the spouses.
Division of property and Attorneys at law Amos
We provide assistance with all matters related to the division of property. You can review our pricing here

Tuula Rainto, [email protected], 045 111 5577