Living will
The living will helps healthcare professionals
A living will helps healthcare professionals treat you in accordance with your will and your right to self-determination.
The living will helps your loved ones
A living will is also made for the sake of your loved ones. It makes it significantly easier for your loved ones to make decisions about your life, medical care, and death in consultation with doctors when you have prepared a living will in advance.
A living will must be made in writing
A living will is a written expression of your own wishes in case you are unable to communicate your own wishes due to illness or other reasons. In a living will, decisions are made, among other things, regarding resuscitation or whether resuscitation should be administered.

Tuula Rainto, [email protected], 045 111 5577
A living will binds healthcare professionals
A living will binds healthcare professionals. It must be followed if it is sufficiently clear and it can be assumed that you have not changed your wishes. Creating a valid living will requires that you have understood the content and significance of the living will sufficiently.
A living will can also be a care directive
A living will can also include a care directive. This includes instructions and advice on ensuring that your values and personal wishes are followed in your care and treatment.
A living will and choice of care facility
In a living will, you can express your preferences for the choice of a care facility and aspects related to your daily care.
A living will and decision-makers and substitute decision-makers
In a living will, you can specify who your decision-makers and substitute decision-makers are. It is advisable to choose substitute decision-makers if you do not have a spouse or children.
A living will and a power of attorney for healthcare are separate documents
If you have created a power of attorney for healthcare and the authorized person is entitled to assist you with personal matters, you may not necessarily need your own power of attorney for healthcare You are fully capable of handling your own affairs until the end. A living will only affects the end stages of your life.
Living will and Attorneys at Law Amos
We assist you in creating a suitable living will for yourself. You can review our pricing here

Tuula Rainto, [email protected], 045 111 5577